Welcome To Kindred House

Thank you for visiting Kindred's blog here we can build a site to discuss a variety of metaphysical and life changing subjects.

I am a Master Practitioner in HNLP... ask me what this is and we can have some fun discovering how to change the science of what has happened to build a new future... I also am certified in Hypnotherapy.

Our site has the potential to provide fun and a be a media for creativity, insight and a coming together place for friendship and love.

I look forward to hearing from you

Love and Light


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I have a very special friend and an incredible mentor, one that I will forever know the deepest respect and love for. Allow me to introduce Mr Gary de Rodriguez. Gary moves between the United States where he resides and Australia staying in Perth where he spends elongated time with the very fortunate of us. Because of Gary's desire to bring each one back to love, honour and wholeness of self, Gary teaches and trains in the rare and profoundly beautifully self designed Humanistic Neuro Linguistic Psychology.
Recently during some training I attended, Gary spoke (again) of the Hopi Elders and their vision of the forth-coming days. I have a strong particular interest in the 2012 prophecies and the scientific approach to the "Pole shift" that is spoken of in the 2012 changes. Below is a transcript that Gary gave to us in which he discusses his interpretation of the letter that he received. I hope you enjoy the sense of nearness that Gary engenders as much as I did.

Happy Creating!!

Written by Mr Gary de Rodriguez 2008

I have shared the message to humanity from the Hopi Elders before, but I would like to expand upon the message from my perspective to give us clarity about our future and empower an attitude of flexibility in how we navigate through these times. I'll begin by pulling certain lines from the letter and expanding on the meaning. One of the opening lines is:

You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour. Now you must go back and tell the people that this is The Hour.
This is the hour. I have been saying for years that we require building the foundation of our inner world as the external world becomes less predictable.
The you, who you have always dreamed you would become, must emerge. This is the hour for you to arrive back to yourself and let the wisdom you have gained throughout your life guide you. These are the times where your learning's and your life wisdom's are tested.
Ask yourself:
1. What am I really attached too?
2. What is ultimately important to me?

The thought I'd like to share with you is a message from the master in India I studied with. He would say to us:
"At the end of our lives we will be asked to separate from the one thing we are most attached to, our bodies. Practice detachment while in the body and know you will take nothing of the illusion of this world to the other side."
We become more of what we think about most often. Chose what you focus on and dwell upon regularly most carefully because within this choice, you will find yourself creating your heaven or your hell. Be congruent in your thought word and action.
The next paragraph I'll share with you is another powerful statement by the elders:
"This could be a good time! There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel like they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off toward the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. See who is there with you and celebrate."
When the elders said: "this could be a good time" I know that no matter what the circumstances we find ourselves in, we can chose our attitude as we navigate our way through the unpredictable. Our attitude is the only thing we absolutely have control over.
The next statement is perhaps the most dramatic in the letter:

"There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel like they are being torn apart, and they will suffer greatly."
The river is the river of change and yes we are witnessing amazing change in every section of the globe from Obama being elected to the complete decline of the automotive industry as if overnight. Things that seemed impossible are now possible and things that seemed solid are now fluid. We cannot hold onto the shore or the things that we have always thought was solid because it is now changing very fast. If we attempt to hold onto false values and hollow desires we will suffer greatly because this is an intense time of spiritual revolution.

The next profound sentence from the elders:
"Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off toward the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. See who is there with you and celebrate."

We require letting go of the shore, or what we have always thought was secure and stable and go to the middle of life's experiences. I believe going to the middle of the river simply means to go to the middle of your perception and judge neither good nor bad. Be attached to whatever you consider sacred for you and strengthen your resolve to focus your mind there and KNOW the river has a destination. Either there is random chaos or perfect order and I choose to believe that there is perfect order. As the elders say the river has a destination. So the falling apart is a birth of what is to come and a dismantling of the dream we have all been living in. There has never been a birth without labour. The world is birthing forth something very new and the labour has begun.

"See who is there with you and celebrate." Be in community with others and know that you are known by the way you treat others. Chose joy in the middle of change and put a smile on your face, evaluating daily what is really important to you. We are called upon to simplify, centre, be in joy and pay it forward to others in our lives because the day of the lone wolf is over. Be in community with others and gather like minded people around you. The last lines from this letter are the most impactful to me personally:

"Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the ones we have been waiting for."
Harness the power of your word because our language choices directs our thinking and we cannot afford the lazy luxury of negative thoughts. Choose to be in joy with charismatic optimism. Whatever is sacred to you, live it more, speak it more, act it more and be a shining example of the highest thoughts you can think, but most importantly demonstrate what you believe in your actions toward others.
It is not in the times of prosperity that tests and polishes who we believe ourselves to be, but the times of uncertainty that offer us the opportunities to shine and prove that we have become the ones we have been waiting for.
These are powerful times of change, use them as a vehicle to shine forward into your world and relationships the holy relationship you have with yourself and be the one to hold up the light for others when they have drop there on.
As we do this, others will hold the light up for us when we have forgotten and together in the river we will celebrate each other.

Here are the things that must be considered:

Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know our garden
It is time to speak your Truth
Create your community
Be good to each other

And do not look outside yourself for the leader. This could be a good time!

At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves! For the moment we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. The time of the lonely wolf is over. Gather yourselves!
Banish the word struggle from your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration.

"We are the ones we have been waiting for"

More of Gary's wisdom and training can be found on his website at http://www.garyderodriguez.com/